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Confirmed Covid-19 case in 24 years old male - 8/17/20

This case was given via phone call, the day after he started showing symptoms.

His symptoms summarized:

“Started with throat pain that improved after taking Zinc supplement.

Small headache, feeling light headed or heavy headed, in middle of head.

Chills when I was outside in the heat

Fever of 101.9

When breathing feel like a minty type of feel; minty means it feels cold without the flavor of it.

Hard to catch my breath. Some times I will cough trying to breath in.

Feeling better by cold shower

Nose congested

Feeling drained, no energy.

Dry cough, but feel some mucus at the back of my throat.

Not too thirsty, try to drink 4-5 cups of water, prefer cold (but don’t have cold water at home).”

Remedy chosen: Camphora 30C every 3 hours for 4 days

Follow-up next day - 8/18/20

50% improved. Continue with same remedy and dose.

8/19/20 extra 20% better, almost back to normal, just a bit of headache, some of the breathing symptoms and congestion. Continue same.

2 more days and he was back to his normal self.

*If you're showing signs of Covid-19, don't hesitate to contact me. Homeopathy can help! *

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